Soulknife Power List: Difference between revisions

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→‎0-Level Soulknife Powers (Talents): Added links to full power descriptions.
→‎1st-Level Soulknife Powers: Added links to power descriptions.
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| Bestow Blade || style="text-align:center;" | A || You manifest a short-duration mind blade that may be handed to another character.
| Bestow Blade || style="text-align:center;" | A || You manifest a short-duration mind blade that may be handed to another character.
| Biofeedback || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain DR 2/-.
| [ Biofeedback] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain DR 2/-.
| Burst || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +10 ft. to speed this round.
| [ Burst] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +10 ft. to speed this round.
| Catfall || style="text-align:center;" | A || Instantly save yourself from a fall.
| [ Catfall] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Instantly save yourself from a fall.
| Chameleon || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +10 enhancement bonus on Stealth checks.
| [ Chameleon] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +10 enhancement bonus on Stealth checks.
| Charge Psychic Strike || style="text-align:center;" | A || You charge your mind blade with psychic strike energy.
| Charge Psychic Strike || style="text-align:center;" | A || You charge your mind blade with psychic strike energy.
| Circumstance Shield || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain a +1 bonus to Initiative. Discharge for bonus to a single Reflex save.
| [ Circumstance Shield] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain a +1 bonus to Initiative. Discharge for bonus to a single Reflex save.
| Deflect Missiles || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain protection against ranged attacks.
| [ Deflect Missiles] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain protection against ranged attacks.
| Elfsight ||  || Gain low-light vision, +2 bonus on Perception checks, and notice secret doors.
| [ Elfsight] ||  || Gain low-light vision, +2 bonus on Perception checks, and notice secret doors.
| Empathic Connection || style="text-align:center;" | A || Makes one person your friend.
| [ Empathic Connection] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Makes one person your friend.
| Empty Mind || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +2 on Will saves until your next action.
| [ Empty Mind] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +2 on Will saves until your next action.
| Force Screen || style="text-align:center;" | A || Invisible disc provides +4 shield bonus to AC.
| [ Force Screen] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Invisible disc provides +4 shield bonus to AC.
| Fortify || style="text-align:center;" | A || You gain a +2 resistance bonus on saves.
| [ Fortify] || style="text-align:center;" | A || You gain a +2 resistance bonus on saves.
| Grip of Iron || style="text-align:center;" | A || Your iron grip gives +4 bonus on grapple checks.
| [ Grip of Iron] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Your iron grip gives +4 bonus on grapple checks.
| Inertial Armor || style="text-align:center;" | A || Tangible field of force provides you with +4 armor bonus to AC.
| [ Inertial Armor] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Tangible field of force provides you with +4 armor bonus to AC.
| Inevitable Strike || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain an insight bonus on your next attack.
| [ Inevitable Strike] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain an insight bonus on your next attack.
| Metaphysical Weapon || style="text-align:center;" | A || Weapon gains +1 bonus.
| [ Metaphysical Weapon] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Weapon gains +1 bonus.
| Natural Healing || style="text-align:center;" | A || Heal 3 hit points of damage.
| [ Precognition, Defensive] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws.
| Precognition, Defensive || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws.
| [ Precognition, Offensive] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +1 insight bonus on your attack rolls.
| Precognition, Offensive || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +1 insight bonus on your attack rolls.
| [ Precognition, Tactical] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +2 enhancement bonus to combat maneuvers.
| Precognition, Tactical || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +2 enhancement bonus to combat maneuvers.
| [ Prescience, Offensive] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +2 insight bonus on your damage rolls.
| Prescience, Offensive || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +2 insight bonus on your damage rolls.
| [ Prevenom Weapon] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Your weapon is mildly venomous.
| Prevenom Weapon || style="text-align:center;" | A || Your weapon is mildly venomous.
| [ Psychokinetic Cannon] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Launch a projectile without its launcher.
| Psychic Tracking || style="text-align:center;" | A || Track a creature by thought, rather than by physical tracks.
| [ Skate] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Subject slides skillfully along the ground.
| Psychokinetic Cannon || style="text-align:center;" | A || Launch a projectile without its launcher.
| [ Stomp] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Subjects fall prone and take 1d4 nonlethal damage.
| Skate || style="text-align:center;" | A || Subject slides skillfully along the ground.
| [ Synesthete] || || You receive one kind of sense when another sense is stimulated.
| Stomp || style="text-align:center;" | A || Subjects fall prone and take 1d4 nonlethal damage.
| [ Thicken Skin] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 10 min./level.
| Synesthete ||  || You receive one kind of sense when another sense is stimulated.
| [ Vigor] || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain 5 temporary hit points.
| Thicken Skin || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 10 min./level.
| Vigor || style="text-align:center;" | A || Gain 5 temporary hit points.

Revision as of 23:38, 27 November 2024

0-Level Soulknife Powers (Talents)

Power Name Augment Description
Blinding Flash A Dazzle an opponent.
Conceal Thoughts You conceal your motives.
Detect Psionics You detect the presence of psionics.
Distract Target gets -4 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks.
Empathy A You know the subject’s surface emotions.
Float A You buoy yourself in water or other liquid.
Fortify, Lesser Gain a +1 bonus on saving throws.
Know Direction and Location A You discover where you are and what direction you face.
Sense Poison Detect the presence of poison in a creature.
Telekinetic Punch Deal 1 force damage to target.
Telepathic Lash A Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
Vim Gain 1 temporary hit point.

1st-Level Soulknife Powers

Power Name Augment Description
Bestow Blade A You manifest a short-duration mind blade that may be handed to another character.
Biofeedback A Gain DR 2/-.
Burst A Gain +10 ft. to speed this round.
Catfall A Instantly save yourself from a fall.
Chameleon A Gain +10 enhancement bonus on Stealth checks.
Charge Psychic Strike A You charge your mind blade with psychic strike energy.
Circumstance Shield A Gain a +1 bonus to Initiative. Discharge for bonus to a single Reflex save.
Deflect Missiles A Gain protection against ranged attacks.
Elfsight Gain low-light vision, +2 bonus on Perception checks, and notice secret doors.
Empathic Connection A Makes one person your friend.
Empty Mind A Gain +2 on Will saves until your next action.
Force Screen A Invisible disc provides +4 shield bonus to AC.
Fortify A You gain a +2 resistance bonus on saves.
Grip of Iron A Your iron grip gives +4 bonus on grapple checks.
Inertial Armor A Tangible field of force provides you with +4 armor bonus to AC.
Inevitable Strike A Gain an insight bonus on your next attack.
Metaphysical Weapon A Weapon gains +1 bonus.
Precognition, Defensive A Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws.
Precognition, Offensive A Gain +1 insight bonus on your attack rolls.
Precognition, Tactical A Gain +2 enhancement bonus to combat maneuvers.
Prescience, Offensive A Gain +2 insight bonus on your damage rolls.
Prevenom Weapon A Your weapon is mildly venomous.
Psychokinetic Cannon A Launch a projectile without its launcher.
Skate A Subject slides skillfully along the ground.
Stomp A Subjects fall prone and take 1d4 nonlethal damage.
Synesthete You receive one kind of sense when another sense is stimulated.
Thicken Skin A Gain +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 10 min./level.
Vigor A Gain 5 temporary hit points.

2nd-Level Soulknife Powers

Power Name Augment Description
Body Adjustment A Heal 1d12 damage.
Body Equilibrium You can walk on nonsolid surfaces.
Body Purification A Restore 2 points of ability damage.
Cloud Mind A You erase knowledge of your presence from target’s mind.
Compelling Voice A Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
Concealing Amorpha A Quasi-real membrane grants you concealment.
Detect Hostile Intent You can detect hostile creatures within 30 ft. of you.
Dimension Swap A You and an ally switch positions.
Dissolving Weapon A Your weapon deals 4d6 acid damage.
Empathic Transfer A Transfer another’s wounds to yourself.
Endorphin Surge A You incite a rush of endorphins, augmenting your physical form.
Energy Adaptation, Specified A Gain resistance 10 to one energy type.
Feat Leech A Borrow another’s psionic or metapsionic feats.
Heightened Vision See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Hustle Instantly gain a move action.
Mindscramble A A psionic field around your mind blade deals extra nonlethal damage and stuns your foe.
Object Reading A Learn details about an object’s previous owner.
Prowess Instantly gain another attack of opportunity.
Psionic Scent Gain the scent ability.
Psychic Tracking A Track a creature by thought, rather than by physical tracks.
Sustenance You can go without food and water for one day.
Thought Shield A Gain PR 13 against mind-affecting powers.
Wall Walker Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.

3rd-Level Soulknife Powers

Power Name Augment Description
Charge Weapon A Infuse a weapon with energy damage.
Concealing Amorpha, Greater A Quasi-real membrane grants you total concealment.
Crisis of Breath A Disrupt subject’s breathing.
Dimension Slide A Teleports you a very short distance.
Ectoplasmic Grapnel A Use a ray of ectoplasm to perform a variety of functions.
Empathic Feedback A When you are hit in melee, your attacker takes damage.
Escape Detection You become difficult to detect with clairsentience powers.
Evade Burst A You take no damage from a burst on a succeasful Reflex save.
Form Astral Armor A You create a suit of armor out of astral ectoplasm.
Ghostslayer's Blade A Give a weapon ghost touch and undead bane.
Graft Armor Your armor becomes an extension of your body.
Graft Weapon Your hand is replaced seamlessly by your weapon.
Mental Barrier A Gain +4 deflection bonus to AC until your next action.
Physical Acceleration A You move faster, gain +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Psionic Lion’s Change A You can make a full attack in the same round you charge.
Sharpened Edge Doubles normal weapon’s threat range.
Telekinetic Barrier A Create a barrier that blocks projectiles.
Ubiquitous Vision You have all-around vision.
Vampiric Blade You heal half of your base weapon damage.

4th-Level Soulknife Powers

Power Name Augment Description
Energy Adaptation A Your body converts energy to harmless light.
Fold Space A Teleports you a short distance.
Immovability You are almost impossible to move and gain DR 15/—.
Inertial Barrier Gain DR 5/—.
Psychic Reformation A Subject can choose skills, feats, and powers anew for previous levels.
Slip the Bonds You cannot be held or otherwise rendered immobile.
Steadfast Perception Gain immunity to illusory effects, +6 bonus on Perception checks.
Tactile Telekinesis A You gain a +8 bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Truevenom Weapon Your weapon is horribly poisonous.
Weapon of Energy Weapon deals additional energy damage.

5th-Level Soulknife Powers

Power Name Augment Description
Adapt Body Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments.
Fiery Discorporation A Cheat death by discorporating into nearby fire for one day.
Psionic Revivify A Return the dead to life before the psyche leaves the corpse.
Psychofeedback A Boost Str, Dex, or Con at the expense of one or more other scores.
Second Chance A Gain a reroll.