Stress Mechanic

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Stress Mechanic


During the course of play, a character may experience mental and emotional trauma at witnessing particularly weird things. Low levels of stress affect a character in particular, expected ways. But in a cosmic horror setting, higher levels of stress may have less-expected effects. The sanity mechanic seems more geared towards pure horror avoidance, which has its place. But the goal of the following stress mechanic is to give a DM more story telling options, and a player more flexibility and role playing ability. It also feels more integrated with D&D.

Stress Points and Stress Levels

A character begins with zero stress points (unless they start the game with stress for plot reasons). They can acquire stress points from weird or traumatic observations or events. Seeing a particular monster, for example, may cause a stress reaction to the tune of 1d4 stress points, while another monster might create 1d6 points of stress. A stress reaction can be checked by a Will save for half the stress points.

A mild amount of stress has little effect on a character's psyche, but at some point it becomes a burden (or liberation, depending on how you look at it). As such, there are tiers of stress -- stress levels -- that affect characters in particular ways. The next stress level is reached by acquiring a certain number of stress points. Each level has a number of stress points according to the following formula:

 10 + character level + level adjustment + (2 * max(wis bonus, con bonus))

So, a level 1 character with a wisdom bonus of 2 and con bonus of 1 would be able to absorb 15 stress points per stress level. At 20 points, they would be at stress level 2, and wouldn't reach level 3 until they reached 30 stress points.

At low stress levels, stress automatically fades over time. At higher stress levels, it actually builds on itself. There are 7 stress levels, and any excess stress points are discarded. So the character above can never have more than 104 stress points.

Stress Levels

Stress Level 1: Tranquility

A character is at peace. They automatically shed max(wis bonus, con bonus) (with a minimum of 1) stress points per day with a good night's sleep. A restful day engaging in relaxing activities sheds an additional max(wis bonus, con bonus) (with a minimum of 1) stress points. There are no game play effects on a tranquil character.

Stress Level 2: Agitation

An agitated character is still functional with few deleterious effects. They shed stress points in the same way as a tranquil character. The only noticeable change is taking a -2 penalty during Autohypnosis, Diplomacy checks, and Sense Motive.

Stress Level 3: Anxiety

At level 3, a character's attitude and behavior noticeably change. They shed a single point of stress with a good night's sleep, but will not cross the boundary to Agitation through this method. A restful day sheds a point of stress, and can bring them down a level. Autohypnosis, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive penalties become -3, as do Bluff and Disguise, but Perception checks get a bonus of +3 indicating increased awareness. The downside is the character may experience occasional auditory hallucinations that are indistinguishable from real sounds through game play mechanics (though, role playing may help a character figure out what's real and what isn't).

Stress Level 4: Disturbance

A disturbed character sheds no stress points through non-magical/psionic means. The -3 penalties remain for Autohypnosis, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, and Sense Motive. Perception increases to +4, but visual and tactile hallucinations are now possible. To spice things up, the hallucinations may not actually be hallucinations. In the context of cosmic horror, a disturbed character may be able to perceive things that less stressed characters cannot: Heightened awareness.

Stress Level 5: Awakening

An awakened character's stress points increase by 1 per day. A day of peace and relaxation can eliminate the increase, but an awakened character will resist active stress relief. The penalties on the various checks are gone, but the Perception bonus remains at +4. Hallucinations and heightened awareness due to increased awareness are common. Knowledge (Forbidden Lore) is activated as a class skill for any character reaching or passing through this level of stress.

Stress Level 6: Enlightenment

An enlightened character's stress points increase by max(wis bonus, con bonus) (minimum 1) per day. A day of peace and relaxation can reduce the increase to 1, but but an enlightened character will not seek that out without prodding, and will resist active stress relief. Perception is +4, and nothing has changed re: hallucinations and heightened awareness. Intimidate checks get a bonus of +3, as enlightened characters come by this ability naturally. Knowledge (Forbidden Lore) gets a +4 bonus while at this stress level.

Stress Level 7: Tranquility

A character is at peace. They automatically gain max(wis bonus, con bonus) (with a minimum of 1) stress points per day with a good night's sleep. A restful day engaging in relaxing activities provides an additional max(wis bonus, con bonus) (with a minimum of 1) stress points. Stress points cannot be shed apart from magic/psionic means. The perception bonus is gone, though hallucinations and heightened awareness are not. The intimidate bonus is gone, as well. Though, Knowledge (Forbidden Lore) checks still have +4. Level 7 is the highest level and a character can max out their stress points at this level but cannot proceed beyond that. A tranquil character will resist attempts to relieve them of stress.

Magic Spells

Shed Stress Spell

 Conjuration (Healing)
 Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Healing 1, Pal 1, Rgr 2
 Components: V, S
 Casting Time: 1 standard action
 Range: Touch
 Target: Creature touched
 Duration: Instantaneous
 Saving Throw: Will half (harmless)
 Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that sheds 1d8 points of stress +1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Since some characters don't want to be relieved of stress, they will resist and can make a Will save to shed half.


A focused psionic character may choose to expend their focus (as a free action) immediately AFTER a stress reaction check to provide an additional +4 bonus.


Steel Mind

Under normal circumstances, a stress reaction produces a certain number of stress points subject to a Will save for half. With this feat, a character automatically takes half and can make a Will save that renders the reaction harmless.

Bulwark of Faith

A devout cleric or paladin in good standing with their god represents a defense against stress reactions for anyone associated with them. Party members in a group with a character who has this feat all gain +2 on saves against stress reactions. The character with this feat must be present and conscious for this to take effect.